New Goat Owner Information

  • Living Area

    1. Shelter
a. Out of wind
                        b. Out of rain
                        c. Can be house or three sided shed.
b. Needs floor out of mud.    

2.   Fencing
a. Sturdy 4-5 ft. fence.
b. Small fence weave.
c. Safe from predators.

3.   Pasture
a. Stumps or spools to play on.
b. Minimal mud and standing water.
c. Room to play and exercise.
d. Check for poisonous plants in pasture.
e. Don’t allow goats to gorge on fresh, lush plant materials, especially if
  • Feed

1.      Hay
a. Milking does, pregnant does, and growing kids up to one year in age
                            need higher quality hay such as an Eastern timothy or orchard grass.
b. Dry does and wethers usually do best on local hay.

2.      Grain
a. Give daily for their first year, ¼ cup each both morning and night.
b. Give to does in milk.
c. Give to does in later pregnancy.

3.      Water
a. Fresh, clean water always.

  • Health

1.      Feet trimmed every month.
2.      Keep vaccinations and worming up to date, CDT yearly, worming every 60 days.
3.      Keep First Aid kit on hand.
4.      Keep pens clean.

  • Milking Does
          Use udder wash before and after milking.
          Milk on a regular schedule.

  • Goat Health Knowledge

     Temperature: 102.5-104 Fahrenheit
     Respiratory:  15-30 breaths per minute
     Pulse: 70-80 beats per minute

  • Useful websites:
Fiasco Farm - My first online stop for goat health information

Tennessee Meat Goats – Great health information here. - Nice listing of diseases and symptoms. – I use their worming protocol. - Good general husbandry information as well as my primary online source for hard to find goat supplies.

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